Bennett is two months old exactly today!
Some pictures of Bennett's bath tonight:
Here are some pictures of Bennett's baby blessing:
Bennett is growing both in age and size. His onesies are much more snug and we may need to adjust the car seat a little bit.
As far as milestones go, Bennett is smiling a lot now, especially after he eats. He is becoming a social baby! He is also starting to discover that he has hands and has even attempted to put them in his mouth.
I know we are hopelessly behind on updating the blog, but we have been rather busy. Two weeks ago, Ryan moved our things to LA and I flew across the country with baby to MD to stay with my family. Ryan has training for his job in NY for the next 5 weeks and he visits us on the weekends in MD. After the training is over, we will all move to LA.
Almost three weeks ago, Bennett had a photo shoot. A girl in my ward is building her photography portfolio, and she wanted to take some pictures in Bennett--obviously because he is such a great subject! Here are some of the pictures:
Hard to imagine but Bennett is even cuter in person!