Monday, June 7, 2010

Bennett in Motion

Bennett right after his bath...his hair gets so fuzzy!

Hanging out with Dad...we were expecting some spit-up any second!

This is what I call Bennett's "drunk on milk" face

Here is a link to see a clip of Bennett: (It is on my Facebook profile page. I tried to upload it here, but it didn't work)!/profile.php?id=17810818

He doesn't do much in the video--but you can tell that a lot is going on in that cute little head as he takes in the world around him.

Bennett and his Mom have been taking daily walks now, and Bennett loves it! He makes happy sounds on his walks and looks around with big eyes.

We recently had Bennett's two week check-up and we were very pleased with his progress. He now weighs 5 lbs, 10 oz (He weighed 4 lbs 11 oz when he left the hospital). He also grew 2 inches. I would be exhausted if I grew that much in two weeks!


  1. Great pics. Bennett, thanks for creating this blog so we can see you

  2. My favorite is the fuzzy head "right after the bath" picture.

  3. What a cutie! Cherish the milk-drunk moments because they grow out of it so quickly.
